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Arteezy changes the speech from "Never play Shaker" to "Best Shaker in the World"
classic Arteezy fell for the oldest trick in the book
5Head Arteezy read the Mind of enemy Magnus like a Book
"I'll never die anymore.It's over.They can never kill me"- Arteezy before Disaster
Gorgc buy a fking sentry
"Watch this guys YouTube Play"- Arteezy in 1 v 4 Fight gets Ultra Kill
"OMG! Youtubeeee"- Arteezy witnesses Insane 4-Man Berserker's Call
"Is Everyone AFK?"- Arteezy before Disaster
Yet another RTZ cliff clip
Arteezy Reaction to the CluelessClown Hookshot of the Clockwek
Arteezy: This is Why Weekend pubs are the WORST...I Got a Meepo in my team!